Our Story
The Irish Construction Network Boston was established in October 2018. Our aim is to bring together construction professionals with an Irish connection in Boston through relaxed and informal networking events. Boston has a strong Irish influence on its construction industry from Landlords, Developers, Foremen, Engineers, Project Managers and Designers. This group is open to all with links to the construction industry in Boston and also those with an Irish connection working here.
Networking Events
Following our hugely successful events in Backlash Brewery and Scholars Bar in Boston, we are well overdue a good catch up.
Rising up like a phoenix from the ashes of COVID 19, The ICN Boston will be hosting our post covid re-launch on March 8th 2023 at 5.30 pm. The venue is Carrie Nation, 11 Beacon Street, Boston, 02108. We will have some tasty finger food and a drink on us to celebrate St Patricks Day!
Get in touch below to put your name down, looking forward to seeing you there.

Pictures From Past Events
Backlash Brewery November 2018
Backlash Brewery February 2019
Scholars Bar May 2019